

Booking Process

I thought it would be helpful to write down the whole process of when you decide to book my services for the Big Day! Hopefully, this should help answer any queries that you may have – but don’t be afraid to ask if not! You’ve made the initial enquiry and I hope that my information is useful to you. If you listen to the sound samples this should give you an idea of how pieces sound on the Harp.

If you decide to book me and send your booking fee, I then send you a receipt and booking forms to sign (one to return). We then have a chat about any musical preferences that you may have, or I can suggest items to listen to. Classic FM and borrowing CDs from your local library are a good cost effective idea, as buying wedding CDs can be expensive and not all pieces are suitable to play on the Harp!

Once music is chosen, then all’s set for the Big Day!

Between the time of booking and your wedding day, I will remain in contact and please feel free to email or call me with any queries – no matter how small the query, as it could be important….I know it sounds cheesy but I’m here to help you.

On the wedding day itself, I tend to have a couple of small breaks (this is usually only necessary for the ‘Whole Day’ package and these are discussed beforehand. Each break is about 10 minutes).

I’m open to guests asking questions, or even wanting to play the Harp itself!
I know a selection of nursery rhymes and TV tunes for children too, as they usually show an interest and it’s always nice to show them the instrument quickly – you never know, it could start off a whole new hobby for a little girl or boy….I can hear parental groans already!

I’m easy-going by nature and would like to think of myself as approachable and friendly and have built up my business of playing the Harp to suit whatever the couple require and try to treat them as I would want to be treated If it were my wedding day – having been in the Wedding industry for a number of years now I’m always thinking of how to make the process more enjoyable and would like to think that I always put 150% effort in!

Contact Fiona

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